I ended up behind this week in everything. Blogging, correspondence and the house is a tip.
Tuesday my husband had a dentist appointment and he was turned away because the blood pressure was something like 200/100 - stroke territory. He's on BP meds so next day we went to the primary care. New meds. There are other reasons for this but suffice it to say he ought to be back to "normal" much later in the year.
Thursday I had my annual opththalmologist appointment - cataract followup and pressure checks. Once I am dilated I am pretty much done for hours as to looking at a tablet or phone. Can't even read. Ugh. OK, old lady talk finished now. haha
Book chat
So....this week I finished Testament of Youth by Vera Brittain. My third book for the Classics Club - review HERE. It was a tough read for me and thankfully I had JoAnn laboring along with me to complete a buddy read.
I also finished The Shepherd's Life by James Rebanks. Very much enjoyed hearing about fell farming life and reading Rebank's memoir.
Library acquisitions
The series Blue Lights, set in Belfast Ireland. It's been a while since we've watched a police drama and we are enjoying this one very much. It has six episodes per season. The tensions in northern Ireland are well represented.
Also plan to start Pastoral Song by James Rebanks, the secord book he has written about farming the fells in Cumbria.
Later today I hope to catch up on emails and do some visiting!
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Deb at Readerbuzz for Sunday Salon