Monday, August 29, 2022

2022 Nonfiction Reader Challenge Roundup

 I had signed up for the book challenge at Shelleyrae's site Book'd Out and went for the Nibbler category of six books. 

Here's my round up.

  1. Social History - Changing Roles by Dr. Vivien Newman
  2. Popular Science - The Lost Family: How DNA Testing is Upending Who We Are by Libby Copeland
  3. Language
  4. Medical Memoir - Trauma by Dr. James Cole
  5. Climate/ Weather
  6. Celebrity - Taste by Stanley Tucci
  7. Reference - The Lyrics by Paul McCartney
  8. Geography - Stonehenge by Francis Pryor
  9. Linked to a Podcast
  10. Wild Animals - Aesop's Animals: The Science beyond the Fables by Jo Wimpenny
  11. Economics
  12. Published in 2022

My favorite book in this reading challenge was The Lyrics by Paul McCartney. I was fortunate enough to have seen McCartney with Wings at a concert in Germany in 1976. It was amazing.  Big fan here!

 Trauma was another one I could recommend for the medical memoir.

The Nonfiction Reader Challenge is hosted by Shelleyrae at Book'd Out.  Check out the sign up post and info HERE.  It's never too late to join in on a reading challenge in my opinion!


  1. I'm waiting for the audio of Taste and am looking forward to it. Your review of The Lost Family sold me so I've added that to my TBR.

  2. Congratulations Tina! Thanks for your participation!

  3. I am adding Lyrics to my TBR. I saw McCartney last year. Amazing. If you like reading about the Beatles you might like Dreaming the Beatles. I loved it.


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