Friday, April 5, 2024

The March book wrap up

Lovely Spring flowers around our place....

Blink your eye and it's April.  As Gilmour sang  in Time,  "then one day you'll find, ten years have got behind you..."

That's the truth.  Time goes so fast.  Since bringing this site back to life I updated on my February books here. This post is is a roundup of my March books.  Then I'll be on track with some sort of schedule that suits me.


In March I finished the second book in the Cormac Reilly series by Dervla McTiernan.  I liked the first book, The Ruin, better than this second one - The Scholar. There are a few more to go before I am fully caught up.  If you like police procedurals this would be a good one for you, set in Galway Ireland.

Also read in March:  The Women by Kristin Hannah and Three by ValΓ©rie Perrin.

Three:  In 1986 three young children meet in school and become inseparable. They are all ten years of age and come from different home lives. Etienne, Nina and Adrian. They hold hands all the time, they support each other, assist with school work and personal issues. You can't imagine these three ever having a falling out.

The story is told in flashbacks and in great detail. By the time they are ready to graduate school and move on to university in Paris, the relationships are as strong as ever, even if there are a few secrets between the three. Then a fallout. A big one.

In 2017 a car is pulled from the water with a body inside. There is much speculation about a young lady missing for years - could she be in that car? As you go back and forth between time periods, reading about the very descriptive aspects of their lives, I found myself very supportive of some characters and almost despising another. It's a slow read but the last several chapters have revelations I never thought about. Loyalty, betrayal, love and forgiveness are the themes.

You don't know who the narrator is in this book until the end.  Then things fell into place.

This is the second book I have read by Perrin, translated by Hildegard Serle, and I will say I enjoyed Fresh Water for Flowers a bit more. She is an incredible author and I have already preordered her newest - Forgotten on Sunday.

March book travel took me to Vietnam, France, Ireland and California.  That's it for the March round up

 Looking forward to good reading this month.  Hope life is good for you all :-)



  1. What gorgeous flowers and a good group of books! I hope you're having a wonderful beginning of April.
    PS - I did guess part of the twist for Homecoming! I guessed Polly's identity but was suprised by how the family died.

    1. Katherine, the families death was a real surprise! Moritn is one of my favorite authors and I hope she writes another book before I die! Seems like she only comes out with a new one every six or eight years!

  2. Is that an azalea bush? Stunning! Ours is just beginning to bloom, although we're now on the road. I hope it's still blooming in late April, although the rhoddies will be starting, which is also nice. I'm still trying to decide whether to read or listen to The Women. It's high on my list and I do have an Audible credit. Right now I'm reading Demon Copperhead, which is outstanding, albeit bleak and depressing. So happy you're posting here again. Do what you can when you like. No pressure! :)

    1. Les, it is an azalea! We had about 60 at one time and we let them go wild just away from the house. Spring is pretty in the field :-) I would venture to say read The Women but I'm not a fan of audible. I have tried audible several times and so I can't give great advice on that!
      I have not read Demon Copperhead so I will be interested to read your review. Thanks for the encouragement about book blogging. Appreciated :-)

  3. I love the vibrant spring colors! I remember visiting Biltmore one spring when all the azaleas were blooming... never saw so many in my life. It was glorious! You've read some great books lately. I hope to read both The Women and Three. There seem to be a lot of books piling up around here again ;-)

    1. JoAnn, springtime is stunning around here but you get the pollen along with nit. Worth it for the blooms. The book stacks are manageable far. I'm almost done with the Pilcher book and it's ok, but Coming Home set a high bar.

  4. Such a lovely spring photo! Today felt very much like a spring day. And so many bees! I think they may have decided to camp out in one of the vents leading into the house, unfortunately. Hopefully they move on soon! I like bees but from a distance and not inside the house. I am really looking forward to reading The Women and Perrin's book interests me too. I hope you have a wonderful week, Tina!

    1. Lit Feline, Spring is a favorite time with the blooms. I try and plant flowers whohc attract bees and butterflies. Thanks for your comment and I hope you enjoy the books :-)

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, Jinjer. The blooms are great while they last.

  6. I am so glad to see that you are back and posting again. I've missed seeing you so much, Tina!

    Three sounds like a powerful story. I like that it is a book that has been translated into English.

    1. Good morning, Deb! Thank you so much for your kind words and I will do a monthly wrap up at the very least and join you. Hope storms bypassed was crazy here !

  7. The McTiernan books sound good and they have intriguing covers!

    1. Joy, I do like a good Irish or British police procedural and this one caught my eye. Love the main detective Cormac Reilly.

  8. You had a good reading month for March. I do hope to get to The Women -- maybe this summer. Your flowers are gorgeous! Love the April blooms going on right now.

    1. Susan, thank you - the flowers are indeed pretty and we love the burst of color. About to plant Arizona Sun Blankets as they are hardy to cold weather and spread like crazy.

      Hope you like The Women. I am not a fan of the two other books I tried by Hannah but this one was a big winner.

  9. I'm glad you had a good reading month in March. I'm so happy to see you return to blogging!


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What a week......

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